P-SHOT for Erectile Dysfunction

P-shot for Erectile Dysfunction is a method of taking Platelets -Rich Plasma therapy by injecting high-concentrated plasma into the penis. The processes of PRP therapy uses patients’ own blood to through the process of isolating plasma, which consists of high-concentrated platelets and growth factors, to inject back into the penile tissues to promote better erection. It can be used as a co-treatment method with MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cell) injection.
Preparation before P-shot for Erectile Dysfunction
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 1 day
Stop taking antibiotics for 1-2 days
Inform the doctor if you have any congenital disease
Recommendations after P-shot injection
You may feel a little pain in the penis area for 2 days
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 1-2 days
Take enough rest
Sex activity can be performed after 2 days