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Bach's Flower​


(Bach Flower Remedies)

by Ploychompoo, M.D. Athiwat Ponsiriwiwat

Over 10 years, there are increasing numbers of committing suicides because of psychological problems and pains such as depression, suffering, stress, and other emotional problems. This speaks up the silent threats that have been hidden in our society. People are now starting to realise and pay attention to their own emotional states and emotional remedies. There are many ways for psychological problems treatments such as taking medicines, consulting with psychologists, and using emotional remedies called Bach Flower Remedies.


Bach Flower Remedies is an alternative treatment of emotional problems using flower-based extracts. Even though it has not been well-known in Thailand, in many other countries it has been well-known and quite popular. As it uses natural substances, there is no negative effect. Now, Bach Flower Remedies becomes an alternative that many people choose. 


Dr. Edward Bach, MB, BS, DPH

Background of Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies was discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, an English doctor who was born in Moseley in 1886. He graduated from University College Hospital in London in 1912 and continued his residency at the hospital. He established a health consultation centre at Harley Street. He was a head of researchers in immunology and a bacteriologist at University College Hospital in London. In 1919, he became a pathologist and a bacteriologist.


Dr. Bach was interested in human emotions and personality. He started to do the research on various kinds of plants in his lab. Until 1930, he resigned and devoted his life for Bach Flower Remedies. In 1934, he established the Bach Centre at Mount Vernon in Oxfordshire village as a place for researches and therapies on the Bach Flower. Now, many specialists on the Bach Flower are produced and over 50 of the Bach Centres are established world-wide.

Getting to know Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower remedies convinced that emotional wellbeing was a key to overall health. Healing negative emotions and balancing mind helps the body healing itself.

Differences in experiences, ages, surrounding environments, societies, and other factors have effects on differences in emotions, habits, and personalities.


Dr. Bach compared human’s emotional states with “An Onion”, which has many layers. The layers, including emotions, habits, and thoughts, cover our minds and create imbalanced state. To cure is to “peel the onion” layer by layer until you find who you truly are and then adjust your mind into balanced state. Each process takes time, patients, and systematic coordination. The Bach Flower remedies should be done under specialists who are trained and certified by the Bach Centre in England for the highest efficacy.

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7 Groups of Emotions and 38 Remedies

Dr. Bach classifies human emotions into 7 groups. Each group uses different Bach’s Flower remedies using 38 remedies—37 flower-based essences and 1 natural-source water.

1. Fear

- Mimulus                     

- Aspen                       

- Red Chestnut             

- Cherry Plum             

- Rock Rose                 

2. Uncertainty

- Cerato                       

- Scleranthus                 

- Gentian                      

- Gorse                       

- Hornbeam                  

- Wild Oat                    

3. Not sufficient in present circumstances

- Clematis                     

- Honeysuckle               

- Wild Rose                   

- Olive                         

- White Chestnut            

- Mustard                    

- Chestnut Bud              

4. Loneliness

- Water Violet                

- Impatiens                   

- Heather                     

5. Over-sensitivity to influences and idea

- Agrimony                    

- Centaury                     

- Walnut                       

- Holly                          

6. Despondency or Despair

- Larch                         

- Pine                          

- Elm                            

- Sweet Chestnut            

- Star of Bethlehem          

- Willow                        

- Oak                           

- Crab Apple                 

7. Over-care for the welfare of other

- Chicory                       

- Vervain                       

- Vine                           

- Beech                         

- Rock Water                 

Recommendations during Bach Flower Remedies

  1. Taking medicines upon specialists’ suggestions

  2. Observing your own emotions and behaviours, learning, accepting, and understanding them

  3. Dr. Bach emphasised on “simplicity”— making things simple.

Bach Flower Remedies is a new alternative method of emotional treatment for Thais, but it gives high effectiveness, safety, and simplicity.

253 Asoke Building, 20 Fl., Sukhumvit Rd., Klong Toei, Wattana, Bangkok 10110

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