Sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction can be cured
If you have difficulties getting or keeping erection, reaching orgasm too quickly, reaching orgasm too slowly or not at all, or having low interests in sex activity, you may be encountering with sexual dysfunction. Many of male population enter sexual dysfunction at their younger ages. Three major factors for sexual dysfunction are as follows:

1. Male Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone)
Testosterone plays a key role in libido in men and also maintains erection. Blood vessels are important for erection. Testosterone also induces blood vessels expansion in the penis. Sexual dysfunction can affect men of all ages, but is especially common in older men or in men with unhealthy lifestyles. The treatments are the replacement of Testosterone or naturally balance Testosterone to an appropriate level.
2. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis causes poor blood circulation and poor flexibility of blood vessels. The blood cannot reach the penis in sufficient quantities and the blood vessels expansion in the penis is restricted. This is commonly found in people with smoking, drinking alcohol, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis can cause sexual dysfunction, though the sex hormone is normal. The use of Shock Wave therapy—the use of sonic wave to generate new blood vessels, in cooperation with PRP and Cell Therapy can help generate new, flexible, and strong blood vessels in the penis.
3. Autonomic Nervous Systems
Penile erection is a result of brain sending Autonomic Nervous Systems signals to the penis, making the blood vessels expansion and erection. Stress, brain fog, restless, and emotional problems such as depression and anxiety can be factors of premature sexual dysfunctions. Stress management with Emowave is a method of brainwaves decoding technology from voice assessment in order to measure personality and thinking processes. Also, Emopill— using music waves to induce brain functions, is used for reducing stress, relaxation, and personality development.
The treatment for those 3 mentioned factors starts from health assessment, questionnaires, and blood testing in the lab in order to plan personalised medicine for each patient.