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Cancer is a silent threat

 Cancer is a silent threat that becomes the first rank of death causes in Thailand. Every year, around 80,000 people are killed by cancers and 150,000 people become new comers. Based on statistics, 1 in 7 of men and 1 in 8 of women have risks of cancers in their lives. It means that among 7-8 persons, there will be 1 person getting cancer.


Cancer is a silent and deadly threat as people would not recognise that they have abnormal cancer cells in their body until some symptoms express, which always occur in the late stage with metastasis. To cure cancer is so difficult with a lot of suffering from medication that sometimes it can cause deaths as well.

The best ways to prevent cancers are to seek and know your own risks of which type of cancers, get fast and accurate cancer screening in the early stage, maintain good immune systems to seek and kill cancer cells before metastasis.

Cancer Risk Assessment

Cell Max, a DNA Genetic Cancer risk test, is an advanced bio-technology for DNA and cancer cells mutation checking. It tells us about the risks of cancers that may inherit via DNA in our family. Cell Max can check up to 98 genes and cover 25 types of cancers. People with inherited abnormal genes may have more possibility of a specific type of cancer than others. The results help us monitoring possibility of the cancer. The test is very simple by collecting DNA from saliva only.

Cancer Screening with Pantum Test

Cancer screening with Pantum Test is a blood testing using a mechanism of immune systems. The test of an ability of immune systems to destroy abnormal cells is done based on ability of Macrophage to engulf abnormal and damaged cells. This test has 99.5% specificity and 97.5% sensitivity. The biomarkers are TKTL 1 and Alpo 10. These biomarkers relates to cancer formation. Alpo 10 increases during the early stage when abnormal cell division is found, while TKTL 1 increases during the next stage.

Colon Cancer Screening with Quad Test and CRC Protect

Colon cancer is ranked number 2 of mostly-found cancers in male populations and ranked number 3 in female populations. Screening and diagnosis are usually done by using Colonoscopy method. However, there is a sampler and more accurate method for colon cancer screening in the early stage called Quad Test. Quad Test is a lab test used for colon cancer screening by testing stool samples, with sensitivity and specificity of 90%. Besides, there is another colon cancer screening method called CRC Protect. CRC Protect is a test for colon cancer cells in the bloodstream, with specificity of more than 90%.

Prostate Cancer Screening

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level is used as a crucial indicator for prostate cancer. Any person with PSA<4 ng/ml is considered as low risk and any person with PSA >10 ng/ml is considered as obviously related to prostate cancer, while any person with PSA 4-10 ng/ml is considered as grey zone. The prostate cancer test is a test for prostate cancer cells in the bloodstream, with sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 94%. With PSA, the diagnosis is more accurate and therapy plan can be done rapidly.

Increased Immunes with NK Cells

Recently, Immunotherapy becomes a popular method of cancer treatment by using NK Cells. NK cells are classified as a type of lymphocytes, which they have natural ability to seek and destroy multiple pathogenic antigens without any priming activation or inducing from other immune cells.

Some evidences in Japan reveal that people with less-than-usual number of NK cells tend to have more possibility of cancer than any people with usual number of NK cells. And, people with less-than-usual number of NK cells tend to have more possibility of death by cancer than any people with usual number of NK cells. Therefore, increasing number of NK Cells become very popular. Nowadays, we can increase NK cells by collecting PBMC (Isolation of the Monocytes) from the patients’ blood or from the patients’ genetic-related blood, expanding them in the laboratory until getting sufficient amount, and injecting them back to patients’ body to boost up immune. Increasing NK cells can increase immune systems which play a critical role in seeking and killing cancer cells in order to prevent and cure cancers.

253 Asoke Building, 20 Fl., Sukhumvit Rd., Klong Toei, Wattana, Bangkok 10110

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